ToolCosmWasmSmart Contract Platform for the Cosmos ecosystem based on WebAssembly.Details Substrate MarketplaceMarketplace for reusable Substrate libraries and tools.Details Substrate PlaygroundCloud-based development environment to play around with the Substrate software stack.Details Ethereum Smart Contract Best PracticesReference document that outlines best practices for intermediate Solidity programmers.Details Weird ERC-20 TokensCollection of real-world ERC-20 Token implementations with unexpected behavior.Details EchidnaTool to fuzz / property test Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Smart Contracts.Details EthenoTool to simplify Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) security analysis and testing.Details EtherVMDatabase of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Opcodes.Details Ethereum Security ToolboxDocker container preconfigured with security tools for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Smart Contracts.Details Ethereum Signature DatabaseDatabase of function and event signature mappings.Details EthTxDecoder for Ethereum Mainnet and Testnet transactions.Details EVM CodesInteractive reference to Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Opcodes.Details EVM OpcodesEthereum Opcodes and instruction reference.Details EVM OpcodesReference for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Opcodes.Details EVM ToolkitCollection of tools to write, read and analyze Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) bytecode.Details ManticoreSymbolic execution tool to analyze Smart Contracts.Details MythrilSecurity analysis tool for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) bytecode.Details OctopusSecurity analysis tool for closed-source bytecode.Details OyenteAnalysis tool for local and remote Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Smart Contracts.Details PyevmasmAssembler and disassembler library for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).Details RattleStatic analysis framework for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Smart Contracts.Details SecurifySecurity scanner for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Smart Contracts.Details SlitherSolidity static analysis framework.Details Solidity ShellInteractive Solidity shell.Details Universal CLICLI to instantly execute Solidity Smart Contracts.Details VertigoMutation testing framework for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Smart Contracts.Details VerXVerifier for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Smart Contracts.Details YulIntermediate language that compiles to Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) bytecode.Details BrownieDevelopment and testing framework for Smart Contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).Details cadCADDesign, test and validate complex systems through simulation.Details ChainlistList with various Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based networks and their configuration.Details CliquebaitDocker container that spins up a PoA Blockchain for testing.Details Eth Gas ReporterGenerate gas usage reports for your Smart Contracts.Details Eth95.exeBrowser-based interface to interact with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Smart Contracts.Details Ethereum Code ViewerEasily view and browse the verified source code of deployed Ethereum Smart Contracts.Details Ethereum TesterTool suite to test Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based applications.Details MetaMask JSON-RPC API PlaygroundInteractive documentation to view, test and debug MetaMask functionality.Details OpenZeppelin DefenderSecurity Operations Platform for Ethereum.Details Prettier SolidityPrettier plugin to automatically format Solidity code.Details Solc SelectEasily switch between different Solidity compiler versions.Details SolhintLinting utility that helps you write more standardized and secure Solidity code.Details Solidity CoverageCode coverage reports for Smart Contracts written in Solidity.Details Solidity DocgenAutomatically generate documentation for Solidity based projects.Details Solidity FlattenerCombine multiple Solidity project files into a single, flat file.Details Solidity Visual DeveloperVisual Studio Code extension optimized for Solidity developers and auditors.Details SolppSolidity preprocessor and flattener.Details SuryaExplore your Solidity Smart Contract structure visually.Details TypeChainAuto-generate TypeScript bindings for Smart Contracts.Details WaffleTesting framework for Smart Contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).Details 0xcert FrameworkdApp Development Framework.Details AlchemyHosted RPC Nodes and Web3 dApp Toolings.Details Cloudflare Ethereum GatewayHosted RPC Nodes for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based Blockchains.Details Dapp ToolsSuite of Ethereum focused CLI Tools and Frameworks.Details EmbarkdApp Development Framework.Details Ethereum Developer Tools ListList with useful Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) tools.Details EthFiddleBrowser-based development environment to share Solidity code snippets.Details FoundryEthereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Development Framework.Details HardhatdApp Development Framework.Details InfuraHosted RPC Nodes for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based Blockchains.Details MoonstreamEasily subscribe to events on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based Blockchains.Details Remix IDEBrowser-based development environment for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Smart Contract development.Details TatumToolkit to build dApps across 40+ Blockchains.Details TenderlyDeveloper Platform to build, monitor and debug Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based dApps.Details Truffle SuiteEthereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Development Framework.Details useDappFrontend Framework to build fully-fledged Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) dApps.Details web3-reactFrontend library to build Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) dApps.Details DeFi Open Source ToolsTools to use for Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications.Details Money LegosOne stop shop for Ethereum ABIs, addresses, and Solidity interfaces.Details PicusSecurity analysis tool for ZKP circuits.Details